About Us
“ If we manage to listen to us as brother and sisters while creating this work, we will be able to listen to everybody”
We are Norbert, Monika and Barbara Schluderbacher, living and working in Italy, Ireland and France, and we happen to be brother and sisters. Born and raised in Italy, we grew up on the border of Austria, immersed in three languages and cultures, learning that diversity is a gift and an enrichment for life.
We are mums, a dad and a grandmother. We walked on different paths of life, gathering skills from various healing disciplines. Here and now, we come together to offer you GROUNDING ESSENCE.
Scroll down to get to know us
In the Grounding Essence retreats we are here for you to
move, feel, connect, listen, slow down, and just be.
Here is who we are:
For me Biodanza was love at first sight. As a poetry of movement, Biodanza harmonizes body, mind, and heart. You connect playfully with your fellow human beings, through music, dance and guided exercises. You get closer to harmony by listening, moving, and enjoying what you find, inside and around yourself.
I was born in Bolzano in 1959,
and live now close to Bologna, in Italy. Teacher and instructor (didacta) of Biodanza with specialisation in shamanism, sexuality and gender.
I lead weekly groups and workshops since 1994, and I work as an instructor in schools for Biodanza operators. Trained in Kashmiri massage.
Working in my own international tech company I unite human research with the fascination of technology.
why we work together
Yoga is my passion, and I love to share it with the world. Inspired by nature, I founded EARTH SEA SKY YOGA, a mindful and deep yoga style. It encourages to practice in a gentle and mindful way. The yoga sequences are inspired by nature and the seasons.
Born in 1961 in the alps of northern Italy. Out of love for movement, I trained as a physiotherapist and worked as such in Italy, Austria and Switzerland.
Full time mum of three. Yoga teacher since 2004. In 2008, following a calling, I moved to the Aran Islands (Ireland), where I have lived and worked since. I give yoga retreats and teach yoga classes all year round on the island.
mindful communication
Mindful Communication taught me how to live a more peaceful relationship with myself and with others. Practical exercises show how to be more aware of yourself, your mind, your emotions and your needs, and those of others, manifesting the power of empathy and mindfulness.
Born in 1965, in Bolzano. In 2001 I discovered “Nonviolent Communication” developed by Marshal Rosenberg; it was a real life changing event.
As a mother of three kids, working full time, I understand how helpful and important empathy is at home, and at work!
Since 2005 I work as an instructor of Mindful Communication for:
individuals, teachers, parents and children, therapists, care staff and associations to improve their teamwork.
why we work together

Teamwork Dreamwork
Norbert: Why I want to offer a workshop with my siblings:
- They are good listeners, working together makes us stronger
- They are enthusiastic about their work
- We learn from each other, we would participate to the others' workshops
- Their trust motivates me
Barbara: What Yoga with Monika gives me :
- Time for myself
- I get to know what is good for me
- Relaxation
Monika: What Biodanza with Norbert gives me:
- It touches my heart
- Tenderness
- Dance is fun
- I discover myself
Norbert: What Mindful Communication with Barbara gives me:
- It surprises me
- it reveals my inner landscape
- I see the others needs and desires